
Why Read our Useful Site Audit Tips?

Site audits help you understand why your web pages are ranked that way by search engines. Frequent site audits can help you ensure that your page is up-to-date with current SEO trends. It also helps you evaluate your SEO service provider’s work and to track the overall marketing progress. Below, we provide you with useful site audit tips through our reference guide. Scepter Marketing, a local web agency provides expertise in sophisticated site auditing. Let us assist you in improving your website SEO ranking with our team of dedicated site audit professionals.

Do You Need a Professional Site Audit?

Doing a full-blown site audit requires technical SEO knowledge and expertise. This skill may not be accessible to most businesses, especially when their core operations are unrelated to IT. However, you may not need to understand everything about page’s elements to get the gist of how it ranks. Working with a qualified SEO team like Scepter Marketing can translate crucial facts that can help your site and business rank better. As a starting point, check out our useful site audit tips below.

This keeps you updated with the online competition and open to suggestions of what can be done to improve your site’s SEO position. Here are some useful site audit tips:

Useful Site Audit Tips

Search for your company

Firstly on our useful site audit tips is typing your brand name in all available search engines to see your overall visibility. Focus more on Google’s search engine results as this can usually tell you how your site’s SEO is doing. The Google Chrome browser is used by more than half of internet users worldwide and it is continuously updated. SEO marketers constantly need to do site audits to keep up with those changes.

Search for your ‘brand name + product or brand name + service’

See how each individual pages rank on search engines. This can give you an insight on which of your business’ pages rank better. It gives you hints on pages that need more on-site optimization. Furthermore, you can search for competitor brand names and their solutions to gauge competition.

Simulate organic searches

Pretend you are someone that is in need of the service that your business provides. Try using search engines and searching for that service using your target keywords. See where your site ranks and how that compares to the competition. If they rank better, check out what are they doing differently.

See your business citations

A handy pointer for local businesses in our useful site audit tips is that one of the major indicators of poor SEO is the lack of NAP (your business’ Name, Address, and Phone number) accuracy and consistency. Your site may reflect an updated citation but other sites may not show the same data.

Web crawlers analyze consistency and accuracy of local business information to improve the user experience. You might also need a citation audit and clean-up if your business information is cluttered.

Assess your social media presence

Social media platforms like Facebook, microblogging site Twitter, and photography-oriented medium Instagram are the top social media sites on which your business needs to be visible. If your business already incorporates social media as part of its marketing strategy, see crucial indicators about your social media presence. The number and quality of reviews, comments, and ratings your business receives also impacts your overall SEO rankings.

Search engines like Google also evaluate business information through social media. You also need to mind your citation on these platforms. You need to consistently get positive reviews and ratings. This convinces crawlers that your business promotes user experience and boosts your rankings.

Check your pages using mobile devices

Creating responsive web pages helps mobile users get a better user experience. Even if you don’t mind scrolling sideways to see content on your phone, some people may not be as patient and would ditch your site for the more mobile-friendly competition. This counts as a negative review to your site and it lowers your ranking.

One of the most useful site audit tips is that Google’s search engine favors sites catering to mobile devices. Consider upgrading your website to accommodate a variety of mobile devices.

Assess Site Loading Speed

One of the things regular site audit checks often miss is loading speeds. It only takes three seconds for a potential customer to decide whether your content is worth the wait. If your website has too much clutter and unnecessary plug-ins, that just adds to unwanted loading time. About 40% of users report backing out of a site that takes longer than three seconds to load.

Check the Obvious Elements

Our final pointer on our list of useful site audit tips: being aware of what users seek from your page through its meta descriptions, title tags, header tags, and content. Monitor the number of characters used for meta descriptions (155-165 characters, and 113 for mobile devices) for better site display. Title tags and headers should support your content.


These are just a few simple, useful site audit tips. Complex auditing is best left to the site audit experts like Scepter Marketing. Hire the right professionals that are capable of performing the most comprehensive site audits for your business. The sooner you have your site audited, the sooner it can be optimized for better rankings.